veröffentlicht am: 28. Februar 2025|0 min Lesezeit|
Press Release Net PPM Header Image

Amazon’s Margin Shakeup: A 2% Increase Spurs Vendor Reassessment


[Miami, FL] A new AMVisor Data Sciences analysis, grounded in client data, shows that Amazon’s Net Pure Profit Margin has risen by 2% from 2023 to 2024. This shift is impacting nearly 60% of its vendors as Amazon enforces tighter profitability benchmarks with increased backend fees & adjusted fulfillment costs.

Download our latest press release on how the Amazon Net PPM Compass enables clients around the globe to benchmark Amazon’s most critical sales metric – the Net pure profit margin – within their Amazon product category.

  • Tina Friedrich CMO @AMVisor

    Tina Friedrich


    Seit 2020 ist Tina bei AMVisor auf strategisches B2B-Marketing, Kommunikation, Online-Content-Erstellung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit spezialisiert.

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